February 13, 2025

Breaking Down Nutrition | The Manitoban

According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, up to 80 percent of premature heart disease and stroke can be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyle choices, such as eating nutrient-dense foods, a variety of fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich beans and peas, and whole grains.

“Food and nutrition are one of the most important aspects of our daily lives,” says Mohammed Moghadasian, a professor in the Department of Food and Human Nutrition Sciences at the University of Michigan. “Not everyone knows how food contributes to our well-being and everyday bodily functions, so it was very important to me to contribute to our understanding of whole foods and their components.”

Moghadasian’s research career began at the University of British Columbia, where he studied the cardiovascular benefits of phytosterols, natural substances found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts.

When phytosterols are consumed, they help control cholesterol levels in the blood. Cholesterol is a waxy compound in the blood that helps build cells, protect nerves, and produce hormones and

Vitamins. However, too much of a certain type of cholesterol, sometimes called “bad” cholesterol, can clog arteries and cause heart attacks. Phytosterols lower blood levels of “bad” cholesterol but have no effect on “good” cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

After Moghadasian’s work was published in a major journal, his team became the first Canadian research group in this field.

“Following this tremendous success, we have further expanded our research activities to determine the health benefits and mechanisms of action of other food-derived substances such as omega-3 fatty acids,” he said.

The two main types of fatty acids are saturated and unsaturated. They differ in their molecular structure. Saturated fatty acids are only linked by single bonds, which gives them a straight chain structure. This allows the molecules to lie close together. For this reason, saturated fatty acids tend to be solid at room temperature and are found in many “unhealthy” foods such as butter. They can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

In contrast, unsaturated fatty acids have a kinked shape because they have at least one double bond. The kinks in the chain prevent the molecules from crowding together. They are generally liquid at room temperature. They are easily found in “healthy” foods like olive oil. Consumed in moderation, they support heart health.

Omega-3 fats are a type of unsaturated fat. They are an important component of cell membranes and are particularly concentrated in the eyes and brain.

Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of heart disease, blood clots, certain cancers, dementia and sudden death. They are found in green leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, shellfish and fatty fish such as salmon, cod, herring and trout.

A review article co-authored by Moghadasian examined the effects of dietary fatty acids, including omega-3 fats, on sperm quality. Human semen typically contains high amounts of omega-3 fats, which play an important role in fertilization. It was found that supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids for four weeks improved sperm quality.

Omega-3 fats also have significant effects on women’s fertility. A study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility looked at 900 women who were trying to conceive a child and found that those who took omega-3 supplements were almost twice as likely to become pregnant as those who did not.

A study co-authored by Moghadasian examined the health benefits of okra. Okra, sometimes called “lady’s finger,” is a flowering plant with green, tubular seed pods. Okra pods are rich in antioxidants, magnesium, folate, and vitamins. They support heart health, are beneficial for pregnant women, lower blood sugar, and may have anti-cancer properties.

Moghadasian’s study examined the effects of okra on diabetic rats. They found that rats given okra had lower levels of cholesterol and fat in their blood. This research adds to an already extensive body of literature supporting the importance of okra in the diet.

“My ultimate goal as a researcher would be to discover fundamentally new aspects and components of food, food products and food waste in order to [improving] our health and well-being,” said Moghadasian.

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